Burung Indonesia

Burung Indonesia (Perhimpunan Pelestari Burung dan Habitatnya) is the Affiliate for Indonesia

Founded in: 2002
Members: 1,652
Staff: 48
Address: Jl. Dadali 32, Bogor 16161, PO. Box 310/Boo, Bogor 16003, Indonesia
Phone: +62 251 835 7222 Ext 113
Phone Driect: +62 251 719 5344
Fax: +62 251 835 7961

Mission of the organisation

Burung Indonesia (formal name Perhimpunan Pelestari Burung dan Habitatnya) was established on 15 July 2002. This independent national conservation organization is membership and network based, with a distinguished board and broad public support. Burung Indonesia is working towards becoming a BirdLife International Partner. The organisation focuses on field conservation action, policy advocacy and promotion, underpinned by comprehensive and reliable bird conservation data and information. It aims to be self supporting.

Burung Indonesia’s mission is to be the guardian for Indonesia’s wild birds and their habitats, working with people for sustainable development. Its organisational objectives are to promote the conservation of sites, species and habitats by working with non-government organizations, local communities, government institutions and broader public to:

  1. Provide support for improved planning and management of important sites, species and habitats
  2. Introduce and advocate new ideas for integrating biodiversity conservation into planning and policy, for example through collaborative management and sustainable use of natural resources
  3. Stimulate greater public interest in birds and biodiversity conservation
  4. Develop capacity for improved management of sites, species and habitats
  5. Provide information on biodiversity and protected areas to planners, policy-makers and other interest groups

Presently Burung Indonesia has more than 1,500 supporters spread throughout the 29 provinces of Indonesia. The supporter’s club is called: Sahabat Burung Indonesia (SBI) or Friends of Indonesian Birds.

Key Activities

Conservation Program

Burung Indonesia works to conserve priority sites (Important Birds Areas) and important species and their habitats through active involvement of local communities, government institutions, private sector and other stakeholders.

To achieve this, the organization conducts base line surveys and monitors populations, distribution, habitat and threats for important bird species as a tool to define priorities for action. Burung Indonesia also conducts awareness activities for the public on the importance of conserving birds and their habitat, develops multi stakeholders approaches including establishing “Site Support Groups”, and provides support to government for improved planning and management of conservation areas.

Knowledge Center

Data and information are used to define the direction, priorities and development of BirdLife Indonesia’s conservation work. Burung Indonesias’s Knowledge Center collects and analyses information, and facilitates exchange of experience and knowledge within and outside the organization. The Knowledge Center also works with the conservation programme to develop innovative conservation approaches which have the potential to increase Burung Indonesia’s contribution to conservation in Indonesia in the future.

Working with the Public for Birds Conservation

Burung Indonesia works to inform and involve the public through all its activities. Sahabat Burung Indonesia (SBI, which translates in English as "Friends of the Indonesian Birds") was created as a way for the public to learn about and support the organisation’s work.

As the supporters of Burung Indonesia, SBI plays an important role in providing inputs for the organisation, and SBI individuals help Burung Indonesia to carry out conservation in areas of Indonesia where the organisation does not yet work. The voice of SBI is important in supporting Burung Indonesia when it enganges in discussions with Government or policy-makers.

Burung Indonesia has established a Division titled RDIA (Resources Development & Internal Affairs) which manages all activities related to the public, as well as providing administrative services within the organisation.

Recent Achievements


Citron Crested Cockatoo

Conservation of Citron-crested Cockatoo Cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata on Sumba Island, Indonesia
Funded by Zoologische Gesellschaft fur Arten- und Populationsschutz (ZGAP) ; 2 year (2005-2007)

Red-And-Blue Lory

Community-based conservation action to reduce the level of trapping and trade of the endangered parrot Red-and-blue Lory Eos histrio, on Talaud Island, Northern Sulawesi.
Funded by Disney Wildlife Conservation Fund; 1 year (2004 – 2005)

Endemic Parrots of Tanimbar

Conservation of the Tanimbar Cockatoo Cacatua goffini and Blue-streaked Lory Eos reticulata in Tanimbar Island, Indonesia
Funded by Loro Parque Foundacion: 2 year (2004-2005)



Participatory Management of Forest Areas on Sumba, Indonesia.
Funded by DOF – DANIDA: 3 Years (2004 -2007); DGIS: 18 months (2004-2005) ; MFP-DFID: 2 years (2004-2006)

North Sulawesi

Conservation of Key Forests in the Sangihe-Talaud Islands, Indonesia
Funded by GEF/ MSP WORLD BANK; 4 years (2001-2005)


Participatory land use planning for sustainable forest resource management in the Tanimbar Islands, Eastern Indonesia
Funded by European Commission and working with CIRAD-Forêt; 3 years (2003-2005)


Collaborataive Management of the first National Park in North Maluku.

Funding in process:

  1. Develop a multi stakeholders model of Collaborative Management of a National Park.
  2. Build local capacity for sustainable implementation of collaborative management.
  3. Promote lessons and experience to policy makers and other sector.


Sumatran Dry Lowland Forest

To save one of the most important lowland forest areas in Sumatra.
Funded by British Birdwatching Fair fund, BirdLife Partners in Europe, European Commission

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